Subject: EZINE: The Weekly Bookmark 2.31 Author: Matt Alberts, Editor Uploaded By: CJ Library Date: 7/17/1996 File: wb0231.htm (11445 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 213 Needs: web browser or latest version of AOL software Keywords: ZINE EZINE WEB URL BOOKMARK TEXT TYPE: Freely distributed LIBRARY: IC/E-Zines ------------------------------------------------ IC STAFF NOTE: As I found out, a distribution error caused many people to be unsubscribed from the WB distribution list (including yours truly), so this issue is provided in HTML format. ------------------------------------------------ Keywords: ZINE EZINE WEB URL BOOKMARK TEXT Author's e-mail address: Editor and Webmaster - Matt Alberts The Weekly Bookmark is a collection of useful and often amusing web sites collected by the staff and readership of this publication. The Weekly Bookmark June 28, 1996 - Vol 2, No. 31 Table of Contents On My End - Note from the Editor Update - News from Around the Web Weekly Bookmark Information Meet The Staff - Contact Info ------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection Forum Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE JHC